The Brauns : Tacoma Family Portraits

Our friends and fellow photographers, The Brauns, were recently in town from Ohio and wanted to take advantage of their time in the PNW for some family portraits. We hopped on a ferry and took a walk in the woods, quintessential PNW activities. One of our favorite things when photographing families is to be observers, allowing the family to enjoy their time together, allowing us to capture those real moments.

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  1. These are so sweet. I love seeing your talent through your images. B and I took our first ferry ride just a few weeks ago before we left WA. It was so fun. Those images are my favorite in this set.

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Lucia : One Whole Year

My sweet little Lucia,

One year ago today, I held you in my arms for the first time. Everything I imagined it would be dwarfed in comparison. It was the most spiritual experience I’ve ever experienced. I have never felt more love for anyone or anything than I did in that moment for you and for Papa. And those feelings for my little family have only grown with every single day.

Papa got to see you before me, but I could hear you. You had the sweetest cry with VERY strong lungs! From that very first day, you have been so alert and aware. The nurses that took care of us always commented on how alert and bright eyed you were, with such a perfect, sweet face. I couldn’t agree more. Papa and I loved just staring at you for hours while you stared back at us with those bright eyes of yours.

When you were in my tummy, I would have very strong feelings of what your personality would be like. In my mind you were sweet, lovely and sociable. But you were also feisty, determined and stubborn. And oh boy was I right. I wasn’t right about everything, though. We thought for sure you would have dark hair and complexion with of course, brown eyes! And were Papa and I wrong! But I am glad we were. You have the most beautiful greenish-greyish eyes that are so happy and big.
Lucia's Birth BW Web-1
Lucia, you are my sunshine. This year has been the best year of my entire life. Not all days have been easy, but I am so blessed to have you. You are such a happy, loving, baby. We especially love those big wet kisses you give us, and so many cuddles! You love to tuck your arms and rest your head, which just makes every worry of mine disappear. You love to “read” books with Mama & Papa, or just on your own. You hug Mister Fox, and Rocky the Raccoon so tight and pat their back sides, which really- makes my heart melt into a puddle on the floor.

More than anything, I love watching you learn, and grow. You truly have the sweetest heart and so much love for others. You are so playful and fun to be around. Peek-a-boo and us chasing you around the house are your favorite activities. Your laugh and squeals are infectious. And when Mama has to catch up on some work, you stand at the window next to my desk talking and babbling. You love to sit on the couch and watch the door for Papa to come home, squealing when he comes thru the door. You love to play the keyboard, guitar and trumpet with Papa. Your eyes beam when you see him. See, I am so happy Papa got to see you first, because you are Papa’s girl. You two have the sweetest bond.

I am so grateful I get to spend all my days with you. And when we’re away from you, I miss you so. I miss you when you’re sleeping. You are ours forever and ever. I cannot tell you the joy that brings me. I am your mama. Forever.

Lucia, you made me a mama. I am forever indebted to you. Nothing has given me more joy than to be your mama. And as you learn and grow, I do too. You teach me every day about love, patience, fun, and so much more. Although I am a bit sad you are already one, I am thrilled to watch you grow up into a smart, beautiful young lady. You have so much good in you. I wish I could better express these deep, immovable feelings I have for you, but I know you feel them when I hold you and our hearts are touching.

Happy Birthday, my sweet girl.

Love you, forever and ever,



  1. My heart is flipping somersaults, you have a beautiful way with words Jaquilyn (as well as with pictures!), annnnd you have the sweetest baby. Really. Some people throw the term “cute baby” around with abandon, but Lucia really truly is. Happy Birthday Lucia!

  2. Happy Birthday to Lucia! What a beautiful love letter to your little girl. I also re-read your birth story and between these two posts – I’m a weepy mess at work. LOL.

    P.S. – That picture of Lucia in the red and black plaid is the best. That face is too cute!

    Jill Baines says:

  3. Jaquilyn,

    This is my first time commenting, but I have been following you & your husband for quite some time (I LOVE your work). I just wanted to say how heart warming this post is. You make me want to be a mother so bad. 🙂

    Wishing baby Lucia a wonderful & very blessed birthday! 🙂

  4. These are gorgeous, you guys. Congratulations on a beautiful baby and a wonderful 2012!

    Kelsey Churchman says:

  5. So beautifully written. My heart melted reading this letter to Lucia on her birthday. Happy Birthday sweet Lucia. You have been that sweet little ray of sunshine that brightens every corner of your parents lives and many others. Congrats on being 1! This year should be full of adventure and surprises. Love to you all.

  6. she’s the cutest ever. it’s been so fun seeing her grow!

  7. Lady, baby, and papa: seriously can’t put into words at the amount of live I hold for you guys. I hate how far away you are. Reading these words jaq my heart was so full of joy for you and your beautiful family. You always said you wished you could “write as beautifully” as me. Well not only were you wrong about Lucia’s eye color but your ability to write so eloquently. Happy birthday to Lucia. Can’t wait to see you all soon.

  8. She is just a ray of sunshine. Beautifully written. The happiest of birthdays to her…

  9. this is so sweet. what a little angel. she looks so much like you, jaquilyn!

  10. Happy birthday Lucia!! Thanks for sharing these pictures and your letter to Lu 🙂 Love you guys

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